Vein matching is the practice of aligning the veins on two or more slabs, so that the marble pattern continues uninterrupted across the surface. We offer a number of designs within our Marble Collection that display a continuous vein pattern and can be installed with vein matching. Shown here is Covelano Calacatta from our Grand Marmi Collection. You can use our graphical faces tool to reorganise the order and orientation of these faces.
Please note when trimming two adjacent vein-matching slabs from the sides (i.e. widths), it is essential that only the sides where the slabs do not join are trimmed. This is to avoid disrupting the vein continuity. Additionally, when trimming from the height, it is always recommended to position the two slabs next to one another before trimming, to check that the vein pattern is continuous. Once that is done, to ensure the vein pattern remains consistent after cutting, the slabs should be trimmed from the same end. Finally, in cases where the slabs are going to be installed without trimming, the orientation of the slabs needs to be checked to make sure the layout follows the vein pattern, as rotating one slab by mistake will result in the disruption of the pattern.