Edge Profiles

Edge Profiles

The addition of a carefully considered edge profile can make a marked difference to a kitchen countertop, but it can also be used to add style and practicality to other projects.

Porcelain stoneware offers a wide variety of colours and styles but it also provides the opportunity for different edge profiles. These profiles are available for custom cut-to-size requests, kitchen countertops, step systems and shelving. This guide will walk you through the edge profile options for each item.

Solid Edge Profiles

  • Edge Profile - Double Pencil
    Double Pencil Edge
  • Edge Profile - Bevelled
    Bevelled Edge
  • Edge Profile - Double Bevelled
    Double Bevelled Edge
  • Edge Profile - Shark Nose
    Shark Nose Edge
  • Edge Profile - Bullnose
    Bullnose Edge
  • Edge Profile - Half Bullnose
    Half Bullnose Edge
Cut-to-size Profiles
As standard the custom cut-to-size slabs are supplied with an unfinished edge. Mitred profiles are supplied with 45° mitres for creating 90° mitre joints.
Standard profiles [ Unfinished ] (PR/UNF) [ 45° Mitred Edge* (PR/MIT)] [ -45° Mitred Edge* ] (PR/MIT)
*45° Deemed to be nominal
Solid Top Profiles
Solid tops for table tops, furniture inlays and countertops can be specified with a choice of edge profiles depending on the thickness of the porcelain surface 6mm, 12mm or 20mm.
Solid Top Profiles [ Double Bevelled Edge ] (PR/DBEV) [ Bullnose Edge ] (PR/BN) [ Half Bullnose Edge ] (PR/HBN)
  [ Double Pencil Edge ] (PR/DP) [ Shark Nose Edge ] (PR/SN) [ Special Shark Nose Edge ] (PR/SSN)
≥ 26mm thickness kitchen worktops
Standard kitchen worktops are supplied with a minimum thickness of 26 mm. Any custom thickness greater than 26 mm can be specified up to a maximum of 100 mm.
Thickness ≥ 26 mm [ Mitred Apron ]    
Thickness ≥ 26 mm [ Mitred Apron Return ]    
Kitchen island worktops with overhang
Kitchen island worktops are supplied with a minimum thickness of 26 mm. Any custom thickness greater than 26 mm can be specified up to a maximum of 100 mm.
Thickness ≥ 26 mm [ Fully Cladded ]    
Kitchen island with waterfall
A kitchen island waterfall can be specified with either one or two sides and in any custom thickness greater than 26 mm.
[ Fully Cladded ]    

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